What Is New Age Religion A Different View Of Religion Entirely

What is New Age Religion? A religion for the common man and motherhood everywhere. With a growing discontent in the behavior of Christian church managements and attenders, the term New Age is coming up more often in religious search alternatives. We go into detail on specifics elsewhere here, but we want to offer you a brief outline of what we are about.

What Is New Age Religion The Purpose Of Religion And Our Purpose

Christianity as a religion’s purpose is for you to focus on God and take your focus off yourself and life because to them that focus on yourself is unimportant. Each is to be kept separate, religious worship and secular sinful everyday life. We disagree, God made us to be fully us, and everyday life, relationships and our contributing our talents in our lives in relationships with others is the highest form of worship of a creator. Our everyday life interacting with others, being proud of our authentic selves is the highest form of worship, no religion needed. To Christian religion it is either-or, to New Age it is both-and.
We believe the objective of man is not in finding a right relationship with God exclusively through a religion, but in a completion of the individual within himself. That is where you find God and that is where your relationship with Him will grow. It is not in finding the right religion or the right church, although being in a church in a specific religion can be what is within you to find.

What Is New Age Religion The Purpose of Life

You were created with seven spiritual birthrights for you to exercise to live your life, find yourself, and guide you in your predestined life path in which you were placed to live.
Exercising these seven birthrights will bring you to completion and you will experience all the lessons you were sent here to learn and the specific blessings for you laid into your life plan to find.
They are:
See things through your own eyes, (and not someone else’s).
Feel your own feelings.
Think you own thoughts.
Make your own choices.
Beyond this, we are to turn inward and open the treasure chest within ourselves God has place there. Loving mothering and strong character in fathering would have encouraged us to do the above four and the last three, which are:
Dream our own dreams (or discover our own talents and gifts).
Pursue our own dreams (or build our own talents and gifts).
Lastly, we joyously share our own dream, talent or gift with Humankind in celebration.

What Is New Age Religion It Sees Our Station In Life As Part Of Us

Regarding our station in life and where we were born: In what religious, academic, professional, or setting we are to do this is already in our life path we were placed in. High character and deeply spiritual people, which you are, are randomly scattered throughout the world to give blessings to all people in every station everywhere. The humblest settings hold the people with the highest character I have ever known. The highest stations in life, including in religion, are full of the worst people on earth, they are reptiles and nothing more.

What Is New Age Religion Regarding Deficient Childhoods

Scarcities of nurturing in our childhood were not because we did not deserve it, but to teach us lessons of its value. As adults we can find loving settings and others to love and nurture us to make up for the missing emotional need from our childhood. Those needs were also lessons about our self-esteem, relationships, and boundaries; we needed to consciously learn to make us more complete. Everyone’s lessons are different because our soul's needs are different.

What Is New Age Religion Where Good And Virtue Comes From

Good, character and virtue of personhood enter Humankind through the common man, and motherhood. It has been that way since the beginning of time, long before any organized religion ever started. Any religion is only a society’s public version of spirituality, as societies are different, spirituality will be seen differently. There is no universally right religion because for the individual seeing things through their own authentic eyes, all of them can be or are.
The religious assertion that you cannot work your way to Heaven by good works is false. There are no good works requirement to make yourself complete. Some of us have a deficit in capabilities, and we are to care for those who cannot care for themselves. There is no guarded realm of Heaven, and if there is I will refuse entry, I want to be with my high character loved ones God has cast out, not be with a judgmental righteous God who hates me. I do not do good works to please God, I do them to complete Humankind which I love deepest of all.

What Is New Age Religion Being Different Makes You Needed

God gave you things that mainstream religion hates, and they were given to you to use, showcase and share. Those things are your gifts, interests, and pride. All that is in your heart, not necessarily experienced in your mind. In other words, you cannot learn any of that. Good comes into Humankind through our differences, not through conversion into the right religion and be like everyone else. Someone’s gift of interest guided them to build a wooden bird and fly it at Kitty Hawk North Carolina in 1903. Because of their pioneering efforts, now the world has one hundred thousand commercial flights daily. Whatever interest, passion, gift or skill you have, pursue it fully. Humankind needs it contributed to make itself complete. Lastly, do it with the deepest pride you have because God put your pride in you. Be proud of who you are and love others so they can be proud of who they are.
This in a nutshell is what New Age Religion, also known as New Age Christianity, is all about, no theological education or immersion into a religion beyond this is needed.
Shayne and Lori North in Aurora, Colorado

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.