What Is The New Age The Great Awakening Of Humankind

What is the New Age as a religion? As humankind advances its structure changes and grows as well. In the beginning all human life was at the hunter gatherer nomadic level. Much like most animals, we extracted resources for our existence by searching for them where they were. Life was mostly centered on searching for food and things we needed and little more. As time progressed, nomadic tendencies grew more productive as animals such as the horse, cattle, sheep, goats, and dogs became a permanent part in the daily life of the common man. Over vast landscapes, nomadic lifestyle was more efficient and continues in small areas to this day in northern climates like Russia.

What Is The New Age The Expansion of The Presence Of Culture

The more popular choice of societal advancement was to settle into and organize permanently lands and housing in locations that never changed. Seaports and areas rich in natural resources such as metals for mining were the first settlements. Remaining in one location provided a multitude of benefits that nomadic living did not. It also allowed Society to establish permanence in the form of dwellings, libraries, monuments, sports facilities, and universities.

What Is The New Age Original And Only True Sources Of Character And Morality

The main contributors to Humankind as we know it today in all its rich variety have always been the common man for his providing financial structure, and the mother as the source of teaching character. What structure we enjoy today and the nurturing we were raised in have come from those two sources almost exclusively. In any society, there are common interests for which public organizations are created to address. Those include government control, a military, educational institutions, medical care, and of course spiritual needs and interests as well. In most of Humankind’s history spiritual understandings were addressed by religious organizations endorsed by society.

What Is The New Age Religion Dethroned The Common Man And Motherhood

Churches claimed they served the masses for spiritual guidance; however, their primary purpose was to control through fear and oppression the citizens as an arm of the government behaving much the same way. They suppressed individuality, demanded taxes called tithes commanded by God, and required conformity and theological agreement as a sign of Godliness. Seeing things through your own eyes was a sign of immorality and inferior spiritual status and was punished, sometimes severely as in the cases of witches in Medieval Europe and yes, even here in America. Theological institutions of higher religious education do not tell you about those times.

What Is The New Age The Time Of Transition From Governmental Religious Control

That is all well and good if society remains in the mentality of seeing God as a judgmental personality, instead of a principle of character and virtue. And that God the person must command us to do something because we are too stupid or immoral to do the right thing other than through fear of punishment. The position of religion being between ourselves and God is okay for people of low character, however it does not serve those of high character other than as a point of confusion.

What Is The New Age How Religion Sees You Or How The Common Man And Motherhood Sees You

As society advances it changes its perspective on spirituality and therefore religion also. The sources of all good that has come into and has advanced Humankind are The Common Man and Motherhood. Those two roles’ contributions have advanced Humankind to the point that punitive fear controlling religious application is no longer relevant. You do not need a punitive fear of punishment teacher in a classroom of obedient high character children, it does not work. If the students are already obedient and seeking to participate in society to their best, a new religious view and posture is needed to advance their growth as people, recognizing them for who they are. Praise for voluntary participation and recognition of efforts given should be the default posture of Government and religion, not mistrust and threats for doing wrong. Moreover, encouragement for them to expand their understanding of themselves as deeply spiritual beings will increase their capacity and willingness to contribute to a greater world.

What Is The New Age The True Sources Of Virtue

In lower societies, the old religious template is, we take a principle, attach a personality to it, and by worshiping the personality, you somehow acquire the principles attached to that personality. The myth is if we worship God through religion, you will acquire character automatically. That myth is false and a lie, Character, honor, virtue of personhood must always be taught separately. Proof of that is religious organizations everywhere are as corrupt and self-serving as any non-religious organization or setting. That brings us back to the common man and motherhood. They are the only major sources of character and honor and virtue of personhood, which are what God wants us to learn from, copy and pass on to our posterity. Religion is always based on academia, credentialing and being certified to be able to teach others. The roles of the common man and motherhood are based on character, honor, and virtue of personhood exclusively, and there are no certifications or academia for that.

What Is The New Age Copy People Of High Character Their Station In Life Does Not Matter

As more people are awakening to the contributions made by the common man and motherhood, they are seeking to copy them. We are to copy the common man who has done everything to promote stability, capitalism, and freedom, and learn from the nurturing of motherhood. This will lead us away from religious righteousness and judgmentalism. The common man has served our community in times of peace by promoting hard work ethic and prosperity, and by giving his life in times of war giving us our state of freedom. Motherhood has never taught us to be righteous, never getting credit for good deeds done, but we get penalized for bad deeds done as religion teaches, she always emphasized how important we each are as the gifted, unique, and special people we are.

What Is The New Age The True Pillars Of Humankind

The common man makes the community setting we are to grow up in and enter someday as adults. Motherhood focuses love and nurturing on us, tells us about us and the good within us. This is the essence of who we are to develop and share in community all our lives as adults. This in effect shifts our worship of religion, an outside of the home judgmental organization to worship of the common man and motherhood for acquiring character, honor, and virtue of personhood in values taught within the home. The values of character, honor, and sense of our personhood are not learned through credentialed academics who are certified in religion, they are taught to us by uncertified, non-academics who most of them have never been in a college classroom or in a church in their lives. Most of those who will role model for us the highest virtues of being a human hold the lowest stations in social, vocational, and academic life of all. For most individuals, we are not going to find an example of spiritual growth in a religion, we are going to see it acted out in the common man and from motherhood. Those are our hardworking neighbors in the lowest neighborhoods anywhere.

What Is The New Age Letting Your Inner Gifted Child Self Come Forward

The new age is about understanding that simple fact. Religion claims to be the only source of teaching virtue, moreover it accuses humankind that we are too immoral, unethical, and savage to survive without need of them to teach us what we need to know, and how to live. New Age Christianity teaches worship of those good in Humankind instead of a righteous judgmental God personality. We are to worship the true priests of true religion, which are The Common Man, who married Motherhood. True religion if you want to call it that, are the values which create our true actions of how we as persons are supposed to act. The values are not righteousness and judgementalism and agreement on a religious history, telling us how to think and act.

What Is The New Age Recognizing Your Inner Self Is Recognition Of God And From God

The values are Character, Honor, and Virtue of Personhood. Within those three values are the freedom to be ourselves, see the world through our own eyes, feel, think, choose, lastly dream, build, and share joyously who we are and what we have done with all Humankind. That is the essence of a fully actualized human being. The new age is about realizing we are now in the setting to begin doing this. If you feel drawn to serve Humankind within a religion, as was Lori’s father, a pastor please do so. It is not right to do it because everyone should do it, as religion claims, it is right to do it because it was given to you to do it individually. That is a big difference in reason to do it. Be yourself, that is what The Common Man worked his entire life for your freedom to do so, and that is what Motherhood would have lovingly taught you to do also. Most religious institutions shame you for being sin, those who love you would encourage you to be take pride in being who you are.

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.