I hate who I am is a painful way to feel about yourself. If you hate who you are you are looking at yourself through someone else’s eyes and not your own. What does New Age Christianity say about that? First what New Age Christianity believes, and then what we know about you that you do not know about yourself, because you have believed a lie.
Believing something bad about us can happen from two circumstances. The first is if nobody told or showed us something good about our self, as in the case of missing or hateful parents. The second is if someone or something intentionally told us something bad about our self at a time when we needed to grow our self esteem as we were developing
Where the lie originated does not matter other than to find its source in your past circumstances and see things clearly in our own eyes. Outside of the family holds many sources of negative lies about us as an individual as well as a deficient family setting. In looking over our past carefully look in all the rooms in our spiritual house for the cause. This may take a while.
New Age Christianity believes in your completeness and your beauty. Unlike popular Christian theology today which proclaims all are lost and sinners and their works have no value in their getting into Heaven as they call it, we see things very differently. This difference in our perspective may well hold the answer to your problem of hating who you are. God does not create hate deserving creations, or ugly failures such as what you are seeing in yourself.
Oftentimes when we are shown something bad about ourselves from someone or some settings eyes, then we will act in accordance with what they have shown about us, and we will take that as proof we are as unfit as what they have shown us. At this point we give up and see ourselves as a permanent failure of ourselves as a person. That is pretty much where you are today as a person.
Now let us talk about New Age Christianity, a non-religion that may shed new light on yourself as a person and in how you see things. When we talk of having religious answers to spiritual needs, we need to clarify some things we New Age Christians believe about Christianity and religion in general. First religion is only a culture’s view of spirituality, and as such that explains the proliferation of religions and the many denominations of all.
Second, all religions claim there is only one right religion, and all the others are wrong, so if you are in the wrong religion and denomination, then you fail by default. Third, spirituality is by understanding only the right religion and you seeing things the same way they see things.
That means you must be willing to see things, and yourself the way they see everything. In other words, you must be willing to remain incomplete as a person to become complete according to them. The spiritual issue is not one of seeing the right religion, it is one of claiming your right to see things through your own eyes for you to be complete. That is a problem and that is right where you are today. Giving weight to how other people and how incompatible settings see you. They do not know you!
There is a new scene in this play and the curtain is coming up. Enter on stage right a new character in your story. This character asks you to question how you came to believe something bad about yourself. We alluded to it in the beginning, seeing things through others or some setting's eyes and not your own eyes.
What does New Age Christianity have to do with all this? We believe the highest achievement of Humankind is not to become like Mohammad, Jesus, God or The Pope and be religious and judgmental. The highest achievement of an individual serving Humankind and God is to become like their unique individual self which God has created them to become. God created you to become fully you, that pleases Him. Being yourself is being Godly.
God gave you some assets for you to use to find and become your highest self. They are not uniquely found in immersion in a certain religion, although they can be if that is in your heart to find. These assets are your life’s plan God laid out for you to find and flourish in. God chose you to be born at a certain time, placed in history where you could shine the brightest and bring the most joy to the most people that need you the most. God also gave you a specific set of views, talents, gifts, interests and skills which He wanted you to pursue to make your life the fullest it can be. There is one last thing He gave you to find, seven spiritual birthrights for you to use to create this fullest life for yourself.
All loving homes with both parents who are nurturing subconsciously bring out these seven birthright tendencies in their children.
They are:
Seeing things through their own eyes (and not someone else’s or some negative setting’s eyes).
Feeling their own feelings (and not someone else’s or some organization’s feelings).
Thinking our own thoughts.
Choosing our own choices (and taking full responsibility for them).
Beyond that turning inward within our hearts and:
Imagining our own dreams, finding our talents, gifts and skills.
Building with our dreams, talents, gifts and skills.
Joyously sharing our proud achievements with all Humankind.
Now using your seven birthrights let us look at yourself again from the original view of hating who you are. Let us see if we can find who, what and when that lie began to form. How do you see the things that told you that you were hateable and unfit? In the Bible God asked Adam, ‘Who told you that you were naked?’
There is much good and beauty within you that God wants you to find. There are people in your life path now or in your future that need you in their world. If you are a perfectionist as I am, do not make the mistake of comparing yourself to perfect and flawless. Compare yourself to adequate and capable, which is a much more relevant standard of human valuation. Perfection is not needed, adequate is all that is required to be fully human and very successful in being you. The you that you will find will be someone you can be proud of, and rightly so!
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.