Finding Your Purpose In God And Christian Religion’s Negative Views About Humankind

Finding your purpose in God may not be found in religion. God is not in religion; God is in the individuality of each person. Our purpose is to span the gap between organized religion’s proposed answers and your deep emotional need questions. It is with great honor that we present this work to you here. This work has been decades in the research. It began in my childhood growing up in an emotionally barren family. We were involved in the Christian religion off and on throughout our growing years. Even after emancipation into adult hood, and moving to Indianapolis, Indiana from Merritt Island, Florida there was an off and on presence of Christianity in my life. This religious presence only served to put more guilt in me because of the lack of emotional understanding of those supposing to serving God.

Finding Your Purpose In God Immersing In Religion Is Not Necessarily Finding Yourself

What I had for emotional need was massive, and I continuously turned to the church seeking answers. Decades of church attendance and religious search for comfort brought nothing but more pain, confusion, and guilt. After much experience with many churches across the protestant Christian spectrum I came to realize the monumental void that exists between the emotionally needful searcher and the Christian Gospel message that is preached and endorsed as a universal answer.

Finding Your Purpose In God Why Religion May Not Answer Emotional Need

For many of us, we desperately need psychologically sound understanding, and deep emotional nurturing for our souls. Religious indoctrination, biblical history, and Christian admonition to become saved miss the mark completely. In fact, at that point, religious conversion is without doubt the last thing we need! When we seek psychological understanding for our deep emotional need, we can become even more guilt ridden when the Christian answers they assert, do not fit our questions. It then becomes our fault we are in such emotional pain! They paint all need as sin, and repentance is the only and simple answer. The truth is not all pain is caused by our personal sin, and for the searcher looking for their answers, repentance will not help. It is not a sin to be a victim of abuse and neglect from those over you. You cannot confess nor be liberated from sin committed by your offender, or your neglectful emotional provider.

Finding Your Purpose In God Selfishness Should Come First If You Are Emotionally Needful

This website’s purpose is to bridge the gap between organized Christianity’s message and what us emotionally needful searchers seek. We are not looking for a Christian religious answer, we are looking for psychological understanding first, and then emotional deep nurturing second. That is what we want to provide for you, the searcher here. For someone abused by parents, others, or life in general, being told we are a sinner is being told we are a mistake. We already know that! Church proclaims putting others first will fix everything. If you are not emotionally complete, putting anyone else first before yourself is toxic poisoning!

Finding Your Purpose In God Have You Experienced This About Organized Religion?

What I realized is almost all ministers, missionaries, church staff are indoctrinated in false beliefs about Christianity. Unspoken rules are, but not limited to: Christianity’s view of you is that you are a pathetic sinner, with no purpose or individuality outside of your own selfish reptilian consumption of everything. Christ is the answer to everything, if you surrender your life to Christ, he will heal you and turn your life into one harmonious picture. Believing upon Christ as the substitute for all your sin is all you need. No other need exists outside of that. Reading the Bible, and only the Bible will provide all the spiritual food you need. Immersing yourself into a church and the congregation will grow your spirit into maturity.

Finding Your Purpose In God Christianity’s Other Poisoning Misrepresented Values

Abstain from all appearance of sin, even when what you are doing is good, because some fellow believer may judge you and make points with God and the others in your congregation, by accusing you. It does not matter that you befriended a lonely child or a needful woman and comforted them in all purity. Political correctness is the highest form of Godliness. Like mindedness is Christ mindedness. We must all agree and be alike. Being like church management want you to be is being Godly. Those with the most credentials, degrees, associations, professional achievements, and high spiritual personas are closer to God, those of lower stature are not as close to God. The Higher Ones must think for the lesser ones and convince them of how to see all things. We teach peace, unconditional love, and acceptance, but you must meet the conditions for the unconditional love and acceptance. Putting others first will fix everything. Good works do not get you credit, but sinning gets you blamed. Lastly, everyone is created equal, but some of them are definitely created more equal than others.

Finding Your Purpose In God Religion Forces Their Answers To Humankind’s Needs

This is just the beginning of the picture of what I found was False Religion. If you have experienced any of this insanity, you are not alone. What you have seen is true. Put simply, we want to present Christ’s message, but your need for psychological support comes first, then your emotional nurturing needs come second, and then lastly Christ’s message. That is the order of things here. Jesus said, “If you love me, feed my sheep.” That to us means feeding the emotional needs of the sheep first. Once those in need of recognition and needing attention are fed, then we can work on sharing about spiritual things. Religious instruction of any religion is not going to put water on a plant starving for water, only watering a dry plant will let it grow and bloom again. Only emotionally complete people can serve others, but it is your responsibility until then to put yourself first, not feeling any guilt at all in doing it. This is what we wish to do here with you.

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.