In looking for your God given purpose The New Age Christianity perspective may make more sense for you in your search. Seeking your purpose God has given you may be limited in scope if you are looking for it through religion as it is popularly believed. We will explain:
As we mature spiritually, we will discover a desire to contribute to the good of Humankind, abandon our life damaging behaviors and seek to serve our fellow man in a constructive life enhancing way. As we become complete, we then start wanting to serve others to help them discover their completeness also. That is just what spiritually growing souls do. We want to give back as we were given to.
One obvious step along this path is to look to religion to help us discover our spiritual side and in doing so, discover our God given purpose. The assumption is that God is in a religion, and we need to go through religion to find God, His will and to understand the spiritual side of ourselves through the right religion. That is logical, reasonable, and for some it is true, but for many it is wrong and deceiving.
The reason is Christianity and other religions originated in medieval dark ages in Northern Europe. As originally set up, and still practiced today in modern times in Iraq and middle eastern countries, they were set up as strict ruling arms of the government with severe penalties for non-compliance. They were the ones who killed Jesus, then took the religious message and turned it into a theology they used to rule the common man and motherhood. They capitalized on fear and guilt as weapons to control the masses. All this was done by the government and the elite, labeling it as unconditional love expressed by God, but you needed them to help you meet the conditions to receive it. Look what they did to Jesus, and to all the learning disabled and socially backward women whom they tortured as being witches. They did that for hundreds of years, all filled with the Holy Spirit and administering their God’s unconditional love.
Those are the ones to which you are looking to help you find your God given purpose as an individual. The incorrect assumption is that you need them to help you find God and communicate with God in finding some missing part of yourself which you desperately need to find.
How does a different religious perspective help? The assertion of mainstream Christianity, and pretty much all other religions is that you need their religion, if you can find the right one, to reach God and have a relationship with Him. In other words, they position themselves between you and God. Nice try and it has worked for millennia, but it is wrong. It only serves the institution of religion, and they are all in on it, of course. But it does not serve you, who is God’s highest creation.
New Age Christianity sees it differently. We see it that God was not behind religion as the mainstream religions claim, nor is He in any religion at all, not even in New Age Christianity. Christ died for all of Humankind’s sins and mistakes once and for all. That is a stand-alone truth, not a misguiding fact, as religion always does mislead you to serve their purposes.
The obligation to spread the word to save Humankind was made up. God has been placing honorable common man and womanhood in all societies everywhere on Earth since the beginning of time to show us how to have virtue of personhood and character. When Jesus was born and died, it covered all the sins of all Humankind everywhere throughout eternity. No religion is needed. If it was it would create a loophole whereby mentally deficient and geographically untouchable groups would not have access to salvation. That, if you look at it, is most of Humankind. That Is how religions make themselves needed. No theological enlightenment, no character or virtue of personhood recognized. The loving feeble grandmother that cared for you when no one else would, who has never been in a church in her life because she was busy providing for you, she is cast out of Heaven. That is Christianity for you!
God comes to you in the form of love, good deeds, and character displayed by the good common man you have known and seen, and by those demonstrating the virtuous acts of motherhood. Copy them in your own manner and you have found your God given purpose. You do not need to look outside of yourself for a religion, unless doing so completes you. In a real sense, your unique religion is already inside of you encased in your seven spiritual birthrights given to you by God when you were conceived. Seeing things through your own eyes, (and not someone else’s eyes), feeling your own feelings, thinking your own thoughts, making your own choices. Beyond that lies deeper exploration: Embracing your own talent, passion and interest, pursuing that talent, passion or interest, and lastly joyously sharing that talent, passion or interest with all Humankind. If you make Humankind complete, you make yourself complete at the same time.
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.