Center of the New Age as a religion requires explanation so that we can see if a shift in religious views is appropriate for us as an individual. Traditionalists will be against New Age thought and religious openness because they see it as a threat to Mainstream Christianity and all religious authority. They see themselves as the source of all morality and conformity to their theology. Any deviation from that as immorality, selfishness and sin. In other words, if you fit into their social and emotional mold and they can tell you how to see things and think, then you are moldable and godly and you can be saved. In short, they see that your individuality is not important even though God made you that way.
For traditionalists, the emphasis is on the religious organization and the objective is to make others reach God through their religion. Life’s value is in salvation and a relationship to God and your individuality does not matter. New Age Christianity sees things opposite: We see the emphasis is on self-recognition and embellishment of our unique self. We see the objective in life is not to find a suitable religion and mold ourselves to a religion, we see the objective in life is to find our unique gifted self and mold our life to our gifts, talents and dreams. We feel the path of reaching God is to find our unique gifted self within that God created inside all of us.
For one who loves dancing, God is in dancing, and the dancing is our religion. For one who loves engineering or truck driving, God, and our religious worship is in our passionate efforts in engineering and love of truck driving. Everyone loves something or will discover a talent or interest for something. That is our life path which is also part of who and what we are. As such it is part of our religion. In traditional view, religion stood as an institution separate from our daily life and religion only consisted of talking about and worshipping God in word and songs. If you were not talking about or singing about God, you were not Godly or religious. New Age Christian perspective sees that as an impediment to our self-unfolding. We see life, Humankind and society as being complete not by everyone being Christian and hating outsiders as lost and sinners. They do not know the outsiders, yet they give themselves moral privilege to falsely accuse them of immorality, and they do this readily.
We see life as being completed by all the gifts, talents and passions of every person contributing to a capitalist, free society. In other words, the more we become ourselves, the more religious, worshipful and Godly we are. God made us different, and in being different is how we worship and serve God.
In defending their views intended to violate our spiritual right to see things through our own eyes, they assert there is only one right way to see things and only one right religion. They hate our view that ‘what is right for me may be wrong for you.’ That argument is aggressively defended. The reason is they are seeing things through their own eyes, but they deny you your spiritual right to see things for yourself. That is spiritual boundary violation at its worst, and as spiritually poisoning as it gets.
Are all Mainstream Christian believers wrong to believe as they do? No, because some are created by God to serve Humankind in the religious realms. Many people need and feel comfortable in the Mainstream Christian world, and their souls thrive there. However, it is not because God chose them to serve Him there and all others not chosen are wrong for not being Christians. It is because God made them as individuals with that calling like we all have callings to become something, like a plumber, dancer, truck driver or saleswomen. All callings to every role are equally of God, not just those called into religious efforts. If they are too limited in their thinking to see that, they are in the wrong. The view that ‘some things may be right for one and wrong for another’ is universally true, because it recognizes the sovereignty of the Individual and respecting God’s Hand in making them different individuals.
With an increasing awareness of the Self (and we capitalize it for emphasis) and recognizing the boundaries of the Self as sacred characteristics, that puts how the Self sees things as very important. New Age Christianity recognizes God’s handiwork does not always start from the foundation of religion as religion claims, and work its way by force to conform the individual, although it can. God’s handiwork can also start with the Self, expanded through our seven spiritual birthrights and work into Humankind by letting the individual grow in pursuit of their gifts, talents and dreams. In a very elemental true sense, the best way for most of us to find, serve and grow in God, is to follow our dreams, perfect our talents and share ourselves with all Humankind. Selfishness is Godly, it is not either-or, it is both-and.
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.