Where do I fit in is the first question from someone who is awakening spiritually. People who live life at lower levels of awareness, who have no capacity spiritually will never have this question. People are not all the same, they come across a broad spectrum of emotional and spiritual capacity. At the low end there are reptilians who act and see their world much as an alligator. All that exists for them is either food to be eaten, or something dangerous trying to eat them. There is no capacity for compassion, caring for others or to leave a positive change in Humankind. They cannot conceive anything higher. We all have experienced bad events in our lives from reptilian people like that.
At the other end of the spectrum are those who possess great capacity for compassion and love, whose entire lives are lived in efforts in discovering that side of themselves, which is you. We will look at this fitting-in question from a spiritual perspective, not necessarily a religious one. Religion is a society’s popular definition of spirituality, and all cultures’ definitions are therefore different. You are not just concerned about finding a person’s higher order self, you are specifically concerned about finding your higher order self as a unique individual. After that, then how, where, and in what matter you will fit into the overall picture.
Our perspective in New Age belief differs from Christianity so we will offer both beliefs here so you can pick the one answer that best fits your question. Christianity teaches that you are sin and a mistake, and you need Christ and the Holy Spirit to indwell you to fix that by surrendering your inner identity and let God fix things. New Age teaches the opposite: We teach God made you the way you are in your inner identity because He wanted you to be who He made you to be and not change your inner identity. God wanted you to be as you are and the best way to worship God is for you to be you. The reason we bring this up is to clarify something; When asking where I fit in, we may be open to thinking that we must change ourselves to fit in, because the fitting-in part is more important than the being-who-we- are part. For clarity, the being-who-we-are part always takes priority, and the fitting-in part must serve the being-who-we-are part.
This brings up the next point; You are a unique individual created by God to be your unique self without changing your identity, dreams, talents, gifts, and passions. Then it would follow that your place in the sun should mirror that. Where you fit in will match what is inside you that needs to fit in somewhere. In other words, your place you need to belong into is in God’s life path that God has put you into to find. God planned all of this as a series of soul lessons God laid out for you to learn. Let us summarize so far: God made you the unique individual you are to be that way, so changing yourself to fit into some desirable setting is wrong. God made you to be you. The setting you are designed to fit into must match you, and mirror back to you who you are, and you are not to diminish who you are to fit into the setting. So, the last thing you need to know is who and what are you?
The most important insight we need in finding where we fit in, is who we are as a person that needs to fit in somewhere. This confusion is a common problem with gifted and deeply spiritual people. Shallow people have less things to discover about themselves and have little confusion. Deep people with much to offer Humankind need much necessary introspection to grow into the flower they are to become. Shallow people simply do not care to think very deeply about anything.
The last missing element in finding where you fit in is what exactly is it within you that needs to fit in somewhere? Something within you that you are disconnected from is causing you to not find the place into where you will fit. Think of it as if Liberace did not know of his passion for playing the piano, therefore he would not have ever found his place in entertainment in music as the greatest pianist of all time. On a smaller scale this is exactly what is happening with you. You might have not found it yet can be because of unskilled parenting, bad experiences in childhood, and similar events as an adult. They can mislead you into thinking you are not important and that some aspects about you are not needed.
Everyone is needed; everyone is an answer to someone’s prayer. Humankind needs your message, your presence, your role in their life somewhere. By affirming what you have within you has value, and you are part of God’s plan that will help you look within to find your value as a person. When you look within, then you can better see a setting without, and there will be where you will fit in and have a home for life. Your setting and your audience will be ready and waiting until you get there. Take all the time you need, there is no hurry, they are still getting ready and developing for you also.
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.