What is New Age Religion? We share much about what New Age Religion is here, by comparing the difference between it and mainstream Christianity. However, there is one other important difference as well. That difference is in how we see God, where we find Him and thusly how we worship God.
In mainstream Christianity God is in a guarded realm of Heaven, on a throne and rules everything, judging everything and everyone that is not perfect, like Him. In New Age perspective, we see God as manifested in our individuality, our uniqueness, our gifts, talents, passions, interests, ambitions put in us the way we were born in our uniqueness. God is in art, if you love to draw, or in running if you like to run.
Christianity sees serving God as how many people they can convince to get saved, participate in a church somewhere and evangelize others to do likewise. Christianity sees God as only servable through and reachable through the church organization and the Christian religion specifically, and only accessed through reading the Bible and academic credentialing. Christianity sees itself as being in isolation and separated from daily and community life, as a spiritual existence unique to itself.
New Age believes serving God is through a much wider range of connection entirely. We see ourselves not as a distant observer of God in His perfection and plan, but as an immersed participant in it in our daily life acting out who we are. We see ourselves as part of God’s plan and perfection, not a distant flawed observer of it. We see ourselves as a gift of God to himself, to us, and to Humankind in the individual roles that we were placed in Humankind to play, no religion needed.
Christianity teaches us to read the Bible and study continuously how to play the game of life. New Age teaches studying the rule book is not playing life, doing it by being ourselves is playing life. Playing life is the objective, not studying the Bible the rule book of it. Living it is the objective, not studying about it. There is no religion needed in being spiritual. Many people I have known have been as fully spiritual and as actualized as they can be, and they have never studied any religion. They have never been involved in any church anywhere, and their lives were as full of character and virtue as they could be, and they did it naturally, many without thinking about it consciously.
We can become involved in religion, if we are inclined to do so, because Humankind needs religious institutions to be complete. Many people need that, but that is not spiritually completing for everyone. God does not want us to all worship Him by focusing on any religion necessarily. God wants us to worship Him by being our highest selves, acting out our roles in the personalities. with the talents, gifts, passions, and interests with which we were born. Being fully us and having the fullest interaction we can in Humankind through our community is the highest form of worship spiritually. For many of us, participation in religion may not be required. Our gifts are needed by the community in which we live, community interaction and capitalist activity are what grows Humankind. We have financial needs, and we have surpluses of potential contained in our talents. That equates to capitalism, which is financial and spiritual interaction and blood flow in Humankind.
In the vast sea of Humankind, the variety of individuals and the heart’s callings within us are so different, because it takes this mixture of differences to make Humankind complete. We may be builders, researchers as I am, writers, nurturers, creators, teachers, and the list of categorizing can go on forever. Your variety and your difference are your worship of God, if you expound on it. Being you at your fullest is in itself worship. From our human perspective, it can be seen as the following scenario, since myths are best perceived as stories or scenarios. When God was finished creating everything, He wanted to experience fully all the beauty of His creation, so He turned Himself into man and placed part of Himself on earth to discover His magnificent creation from within. To you I am God, and to me you are God, it is that simple.
That is why the Bible refers to us as the sons of God, and Jesus as the son of Man. This is where we as individuals come into the picture. We are to serve each other, for in doing that we serve God directly, and we do that best by giving our uniqueness as a gift to each other. For some of us, finding our gift within ourselves can take a while, because some gifts within us take many years to develop fully. Be patient if exactly who you are and what your gifts you have are not at first obvious. In the spiritual realm time does not matter, and the most magnificent things take the longest to mature. So it is with individuals, settings and the events we are to create.
The last element of how to worship God is found within our boundaries of us, in being our unique selves. We give our best worship of God when we are living fully within ourselves doing these seven spiritual activities. They are: Seeing things through our own eyes, feeling our own feelings, thinking our own thoughts, lastly, making our own choices. Beyond that we turn within our heart to dreaming our own dream, talent, or interest, pursue and build on our dream, and finally joyously share our dream with Humankind. Being our fullest selves and sharing our deepest self with all Humankind is the highest and truest form of worship of God possible, and no religion is needed. Did we say that already about the no religion needed?
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.