What Is New Age Religion Let Us Make Man In Our Own Image

What is new age religion can be asked for a variety or reasons. In the internet environment we call that search intent, or in other words for what reason are we asking something. If we are asking for the reason of comparing theological beliefs to find a correct religion for ourselves or our family, that is one thing. If we are asking to find a religious answer for some specific emotional and spiritual needs we have, that can be entirely another. The reason I bring this up is because it is critical to understand the whole landscape of religion and its possible role in your specific life or your family’s life. Different religious viewpoints play different roles. 

What Is New Age Religion Theology And Spirituality Are Not The Same

Why that is important to know is because New Age Religion as a religion plays a different role culturally than does other mainstream religions, so comparison can be difficult otherwise. Let me explain: The assumption we normally make in comparing religions, and looking at all of them individually is first; Religion has the answer for all my spiritual needs if I can find the right theological view, then find a suitable congregation of that chosen religion locally in which I can attend. Second is all my spiritual needs in my journey to unfold my self can be found inside one religion’s theology. That means how one single religion sees me is how I must define myself and make all my life’s choices within their viewpoint of not only me, but of my entire life itself. 

What Is New Age Religion Christianity’s Answers Might Not Fit Your Questions

Religion claims to answer all your spiritual questions and needs with a specific theological view of who God is and how God sees you. New Age or New Age Christianity plays a different role because we claim the emphasis of spiritual needs and answers, and the journey to find them are all centered within you. These undiscovered answers were placed within you and laid in your life path to find at the time of your individual creation before time began. The Bible clearly explains that.
Other religions, especially mainstream Christianity place all spiritual activity within the walls of a church on Sunday and all outside activity from that is not spiritual but is sinful, and there is no connection to God in any of that. Religion emphatically separates spiritual life from everyday life, and you need to participate in their religion to be spiritual.

What Is New Age Religion The Believer Is More Important That The Religion

New Age attempts to connect you to the good within you and your proper role in Humankind outside of a church or religious setting if that is not you. New Age religion sees your entire life as spiritual because you are spiritual, and so is Humankind in which you are placed within it to share your gifts, no religion needed. Those are two different opposing roles and viewpoints. Religions in general place the highest importance on how they and God see you, and your viewpoint is unimportant, only theirs. New Age Christianity places the highest emphasis on your viewpoint because your viewpoint is the key to your life unfolding fully as God intended that it should.

Other religion’s emphasis is on building a relationship with an almighty powerful God that left you high and dry without them, the church managements, to lead you back to Him. New Age Christianity’s emphasis is that God made you complete with all the answers to your life’s future already within you, awaiting you to discover what is within you. Other religions claim your highest definition of you is in being a conforming part of their church organization. New Age or New Age Christianity claims you highest definition of you is the one written into your spiritual DNA of being your highest self as you see yourself to be.

What Is New Age Religion God’s Footprints Within

Religion claims you must fit them, New Age claims you must find and fit you. Mainstream Christianity hates your uniqueness. New Age Christianity claims your uniqueness, and all the magic within it, are God’s will and plan for you to discover, develop and live out.
So where are these answers found if we are searching with search intent of finding a right religion to help us solve our spiritual problems and find our path? We may find ourselves wanting to become a pastor or youth worker in Christianity because that is truly within us. That is as it should be.

What Is New Age Religion Many Right Answers, What Are Yours?

There is where New Age or New Age Christianity comes through with the right answer. We claim there is no one right answer like a correct size of shoes for all of us to wear. We all wear different sizes and kinds of shoes depending on our feet and the paths we are to walk. Christianity only deals with morality. If you are moral, that is as far as Christianity goes. New Age Christianity is the view that living a moral life and possibly being unfulfilled and unhappy are not enough. You must also live a fulfilled life being completely you with the gift of yourself being fully realized and given to Humankind.

What Is New Age Religion God Made You A Gift To Humankind

Our spiritual path we seek for ourselves and understanding life rarely is a matter of immorality and sin. It is almost always a matter of understanding our unfolding selves and finding the fertile ground we are to grow in, to make that happen. This process happens when we exercise our seven spiritual birthrights. When we were created, we were created completely, and our seven birthrights are the water that nourishes our soul to unfold. These birthrights are:
Seeing things through our own eyes, (and not anyone or anything else’s eyes).
Feeling our own feelings, (and not anyone or anything else’s feelings).
Thinking our own thoughts.
Making our own choices and being responsible for them.
When we claim and do those first four, then we will be drawn into our inner energy of our Uniqueness, which is where our life path and plan are found to unfold. Within these next three birthrights are found all the religion and relationship to God you will ever need, they are:
Finding our inner passions, dreams, talent, skills or interests.
Pursuing and building on those dreams, talent, skills or interest.
Joyously sharing with all Humankind what you have learned, changed, built, or accomplished so that all Humankind can benefit by your contribution.
We hope this has answered your search intent of what is New Age religion and the proper role of any religion as it should play in your life.

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.