I Lost My Faith Is Religion Telling Me How To See Things That Are Not Me?

I lost my faith. Everyone in religion will at some point study spiritual gifts as a foundation for their faith in detail in their theological training within their church. As taught by their elders and teachers they will learn the specific characteristics of each gift. This is taught as a foundation upon which all spiritual growth is to happen. The truth is not all obstacles we will face will fall within the definitions taught by our church leaders. In fact, many times the church management themselves will be the reason we will lose our faith. Oftentimes the church management themselves are as corrupt, self-serving as those settings in the world they see as lost, evil and corrupt. In short, many times we will see there is more character and virtue of personhood in the world than in them. They do not serve God, they serve their church organization! And we see that when we begin seeing things through our own eyes.

I Lost My Faith Because Religion Told Me How To See

We will learn a list of things like prophesy, healing, discerning of spirits, speaking and interpretation of tongues and so forth. All these things they teach are the product of being saved, joining a church and immersion into the local church culture. Within this culture you can acquire and use these spirit given gifts to edify the congregation and make it separate from the outside sinful world. These gifts are given to believers only after conversion into religion. The sinful outside world is not worthy to receive and use these gifts without the religious presence to make it possible, according to them.

I Lost My Faith Because Others Closed My Eyes

Those are the facts as presented by Mainstream Religion; however, the full truth is far different. Facts are information that is partial in nature and is the basis of all advertising. Truth on the other hand is far different. Truth is all information on a subject so the person studying it can make up their own mind and see things through their own eyes instead of through the eyes of the one who is presenting it.

I Lost My Faith I Believed Spirituality Was Only In Religion

The truth is spiritual gifts are present in all of Humankind because God dispersed His good across Humankind since day one, long before the institution of religion was ever thought up by man. New Age Christianity sees things differently than mainstream Christianity. Our emphasis is on people as individuals, not on promotion of a religious organization. We do not define the spiritual gifts as do Mainstream Christianity because we do not see them as gifts unique to any religion or theological denomination.

I Lost My Faith Because I Looked To Religion For My Spirituality

We see them as gifts in all humankind, present and available to everyone who has the calling, urge, interest and character to recognize them. Your loss of your faith is because you may have looked to an unstable source for your life. You were turned away from the source of your life God gave you already at birth. He gave you life on earth into Humankind and your spiritual life when you recognized morality and changed your ways. No religious conversion is needed, only recognition of morality and character, that is the born-again experience Jesus talked about, no religious experience needed. Jesus clearly explains this in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

I Lost My Faith Because I Did Not Look Within Me

Here are the things that will bring you close to God again and restore your faith. When you do these things, your faith will be restored and you will be restored again unto yourself, within which God’s plan for your life is found.

We call these things our spiritual gifts, or our spiritual birthrights. Everyone within and outside of any religion can discover and practice these. They are the lamp to lead them through their life path God has laid out for them to find. We list them here:

Seeing things through our own eyes (and not through someone else’s or an organization’s eyes).

Feeling our own feelings (and not feeling what someone or something outside of us tells us to feel).

Thinking our own thoughts (unique to our own personality and outlook God made within us since our birth).

Choosing our own choices (and taking full responsibility for them).

I Lost My Faith Because I Was Outside Of Myself

When we use these four spiritual gifts, which are also our spiritual birthrights given to everyone by God, then our lives will unfold as God wished, and our actions will help it unfold.

The last three spiritual gifts, and birthrights are:

Finding our gifts, talents, interests and dreams (placed in our heart by God, and where God is found for each of us).

Pursuing and building our gifts, interests and dreams (in the life path God placed us in to bless ourselves and others).

Joyously sharing our achievements with all Humankind (so that we as God’s gift to Humankind will be lived out to its fullest).

I Lost My Faith Because I Trusted In Others Instead Of My Birthrights

Look again at the settings and people that were the foundation for your loss of faith. If your loss of faith was because you had no one to love you when you were young, or you were told you were not good enough, beautiful, or lacking in some way, look again. You did not have a lack because you did not deserve it, but because you needed to learn its value when you later did find it. I promise you there is a place in someone’s life and in some setting in your life path where you will fit in, be needed and feel valuable. God made us to be ourselves and be human, in the unique beauty that each of us are, all different. Have faith in your differentness, your uniqueness, for it will lead you to your new home. God is proud of His handiwork, and it is you!

Talking about God may not be worship of God, learning about the Bible may not be worship of God. Being our best highest character selves is always glorifying and worship of God.

The Greatest Gift One Can Give Another Is To see Things Through Their Eyes And Walk In Their World With Them. We Wish To Carry Your Burdens With You. Please Share Your Heart With Us.

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Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.