As described by mainstream Christianity, salvation happens when we accept Christ in our hearts and then we are saved, then the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us, leading our lives from then on. The verse of ‘no man cometh to the father but by me,’ is popularly interpreted to mean that. That would mean that Christianity as a religion must be involved for a salvation experience. A believer must minister to a nonbeliever. Then because of Jesus’ story, the nonbeliever chooses to accept Jesus, become saved which triggers conversion, changing his heart to seek character and honor in all his behaviors.
That creates a problem I have personally witnessed repeatedly: The church is full of converted educated righteous church managements who demonstrate not a shred of character or honor of any type. Their only value is promoting their own postures within their religious organization and the organization itself. So why has the powerful Holy Spirit not shown the power to change them? Moreover, in millions of people around the world from different cultures who have never set foot in a church, heard of any religion, I have seen demonstrate fully in their daily lives character, honor, and virtue of human behavior far beyond anything demonstrated by the religious elite. Why is this so?
Unsaved lost from primitive cultures living at levels of behavior and values far beyond the unethical behaviors of our church leaders in the biggest religious organizations in the most advanced country on earth should be impossible, but I have seen it repeatedly. Why? The response and excuse given by those elitists, educated, saved, doctorate degree holding masters of Christianity is, ‘you cannot be allowed into Heaven on your works alone, good works are not enough’. Yet Jesus said the opposite. The academic Master of Religion asked Jesus these exact words, ‘What must I do to have eternal life?’ Jesus then told him of the parable of the Good Samaritan. That specifically was an act of good works that demonstrated the loving condition in the caregiver’s heart. It was the caregiver’s heart full of character, honor, integrity, and virtue that Jesus referred to in this Good Samaritan story.
The excuse of, ‘good works do not get you into Heaven’ does not hold up. Jesus clearly referred to the good works the Good Samaritan did which are an indication of one’s honorable heart that does in fact show a redeemed state of the person. That alone proves that all good persons are redeemed and saved, religious and non-religious, and that all the shallow, elitist, legalistic, theologians are wrong. Why do the supporters of religion do so? Some do for good honorable reasons, such as a religious component in any culture is beneficial to represent high values in that culture. There are many who feel more complete in being a part of such an institution and rightly so as it fits into their emotional world and makes them complete in their world. That is good, healthy and it is an authentic part of them and who they are.
Others support religion as a necessary gateway to God for less than honorable reasons. Those reasons include first; They need to feel superior to everyone else and be the only ones right, and if anyone disagrees or is different, then they must be wrong. Where else but in a religious setting can they do that? Second; That sets them up as a necessary portal between being a lost, incomplete person and God. They then are able to change others and violate their personal boundaries of telling others how to see things and think their thoughts so they can meet the religious person’s standards for approval. Honorable pastors use this role without violating others’ personal boundaries, as a genuine position to nurture their flocks of good, truth-seeking, well-intentioned individuals, and families. Dishonorable pastors use this position to enforce uniformity by brainwashing their congregations. They do this for the express reason of growing their congregation and church organization and deepening their importance in the community. This was done in the witch torturing days in Salem, Massachusetts. Violating the mental boundaries of their constituents is no problem for bad pastors because they do not care.
Third; This then means that the religious proponent then can make up the standards by which they can deem followers and outsiders to be either worthy or unworthy. If you look closely at all the standards by which all religious institutions measure themselves and outsiders, it is always on academics and social background. It never has to do with the person’s demonstrated character, honor, patriotism, compassion and servitude to Humankind. A demonstrated restored life has no merit in mainstream religion, only having a clean background check and high academic standing is all that matters. We all know both academics and clean background characteristics have little bearing on measuring a persons’ spirituality and wisdom earned through life’s experiences. Lastly, they measure spirituality by agreement with their doctrine. If you see things differently, then you are not as spiritual as they are, according to them. Doctrinal agreement on religious teachings and knowledge of religious history is far more important than the demonstrated character and wisdom you possess as demonstrated in your personal life, even if your restored life is decades deep.
Where God truly is found, and what any version of religion should be telling you is that God is within you in your heart. He was always there all along. That is what the original text in the Bible means when it reads, ‘The Holy Spirit will indwell you and live within you.’ When you start living in the influence of it, demonstrating character in all you do, in how you see things, and live in a nurturing way to all things, then you are as highly achieved as any human being can become. Moreover, you do not need any religious input to achieve that. Character is taught, grown, and shared by nurturing from parent to child, one person to another, and acted out in all the settings and situations life puts us in to showcase it. What do others that love you encourage you to do? Be yourself, find it, be it and live it in pride.
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.