Finding your god given purpose at some point that means finding God first. Then from there a relationship with God can begin to happen. And on that highway, spiritual good in all its many forms can travel, just like on a real road carrying much valuable commerce. We talk about this many times here in many forms.
Medieval Christianity is a religion originally started as an arm of a very powerful government whose purpose was to control the population. They did it with oppression, fear and guilt. They were the ones who first crucified Jesus and the disciples, then formed a strong religion on Him, requiring submission to the highest degree. Death by torture authorized by law was their stance. The reasoning proposed by Christianity is you must agree to our theology or be tortured to death as a heretic and a witch, because you are blaspheming the almighty God. That worked in the Medieval ages in Northern Europe, but this is today, and Humankind has become wise to that power trip posture of such a government approach.
Now you come along, and you are seeking to better yourself. And in this effort, you are becoming aware of your awakening spirituality. Naturally you are considering research into mainstream religions to answer your spiritual questions. The assumption is they hold the key to all spiritual enlightenment because established religions are the fountain of all spiritual truth, right?
Wrong, dead wrong!
The biggest lie they propose is they know about God, and they know where He is, and they can reach God for you if you believe them and follow them exclusively. If you get and meet their conditions, then you can get their approval, and if you have that, they will hook you up with God. Meeting the conditions for God’s unconditional love is the key. So much for that garbage!
Where it gets more amusing is they all agree there is only one right religion, but also, they each claim theirs is the only right and true religion to find and reach God. Moreover, they all say you are fallen and vomitous sin and God cannot stand to look at you without throwing up because of your being a rebellious mistake. If an institution hates you that much and only sees you as a source of tithe money and as a mindless audience to their glory stories about themselves, then why would you trust them in anything?
The critical point in all of this: you finding your God given purpose and the misleading nature of mainstream Christianity as a roadmap to this purpose. You are getting in touch with your growing spirituality. This now hinges on the relationship between creation and creator. This is the fork in the road and this fork is, ‘Where Is God and how do I reach Him?’
We are going to give you our opinion, hoping it is a better roadmap for the spiritual journey you are undertaking. We New Age Christianity believers do not agree that God is in a guarded realm of Heaven where only those elite religion fanatics who have the highest academic credentials are allowed in. We do not think God favors one race of people over another, nor do we think women are the weaker gender as the Bible incorrectly accuses and teaches. The Bible, a collection of books was written by men in the government seeking to use guilt and fear of punishment as their basis for a structure of truth.
Their roadmap is you are sin, and your good works will never get you into Heaven, a guarded realm. Our roadmap shows you are God’s handiwork and a part of Humankind. Moreover, you were created to do good works already inspired within you to do as your gifts, talents, passions.
Their roadmap reads that no good has ever come into Humankind until we religion advocates came into society, and we were sent to evangelize the world and save it from its sin. Our roadmap reads, Humankind has been blessed by good works done by two sources since the first family formed in Africa over a quarter million years ago. Those two sources are the common man and motherhood. God has been advancing Humankind since it first started and has been growing it in character and virtue of personhood continuously ever since.
Their roadmap says get out of society and get into a religion and join a church. Our roadmap shows get involved in society, participate, contribute your good works and serve the community because your presence is needed. They say society is evil, we say society is of God.
Their roadmap reads, deny yourself because you are vomit and sin. Our roadmap reads expand and grow yourself in your talents, gifts and passions because Humankind needs your gifts to make it complete.
Their roadmap reads you are a universe away from God. Our roadmap reads God is already inside you as your gifts, talents or passions He put inside of you to give to Humankind. Their roadmap reads to get close to God, start being like us righteous and godly people, agree with us on everything and make others believe like us also. Our roadmap reads to get close to God, start being like yourself, the way God intended for you to be, unique, special and beautiful. So, which roadmap to finding God is the one you want to follow?
Just for the record, this is an emotional and spiritual encouragement ministry. We are selling nothing here and are not at the present time even set up to take donations, and probably never will. Your healed life is our reward enough, and we are very pleased with that. If you want to, please share your strength with others in your future so our nurturing can live on.